In this highly competitive digital space, having an impressive online presence is crucial for every business.  Did you know that an average person spends approximately eight and a half hours a day on the internet? A recent survey report says […]

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Protecting your client’s confidentiality is crucial in running a law firm, this even includes securing your online files and network. Ever feel like someone might be viewing your online activity when you are connected to public Wi-Fi? Well, there’s a […]

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Marketing is one of the most important factors for growing your law practice and generating leads. You can achieve various things through marketing alone, including research, promotion, and selling your services. The way you promote your business will get reflected […]

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Starting a solo practice sounds easy in theory but if you don’t avoid these pitfalls you will surely fail. Congratulations, you’ve decided to go solo! Whether you are coming from a large firm with numerous resources or you are fresh […]

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In today’s age of technology and automation, almost 85% of our work can be performed by artificial intelligence (AI) without the need of a human being. This concept may take time to get used to, but the vision of a […]

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