Lawyers don’t build successful practices by coincidence or accident. Discover which habits have helped them along the way. There is no guidebook, secret recipe, or shortcut that will instantly make your law firm successful or allow you to dominate your […]

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Working from home sometimes tends to be boring, distracting, and unmotivating. By simply updating your workspace you will become more motivated and focused on the work at hand. These featured articles give great tips and tricks on how to successfully […]

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Knowing your clientele is key when starting a solo practice. By taking the time to learn their behaviors and their specific needs you will be able to offer up services that are tailored to your potential clients.  Imagine being fresh […]

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Constantly improving your skills as a lawyer and entrepreneur is essential to the growth and success of your practice. These articles will help with just that! To run a successful practice, you have to always be thinking ahead and improving, […]

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Virtual office providers may present many options but attorneys need very specific elements in order to succeed. A virtual office rental arrangement is a financial arrangement where solo and small firm attorneys pay a low monthly fee (typically starting at […]

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