Social distancing and in-person business restrictions forced attorneys and other professionals to find alternative ways to connect with clients while still providing quality services. This article will explore the different ways attorneys have been able to meet client expectations and […]

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Having effective communication skills as a budding lawyer is very important. Effective communication will help you foster greater trust between you and your client. It will help you compound in terms of client satisfaction and you will gain better credibility […]

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The perception of law firms is forever evolving. Originally clients are used to be brick-and-mortar offices, however, we now have a more digital landscape where clients can reach out from anywhere and be serviced in an instant.  The law field’s […]

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Implementing digital marketing is a common factor in most business fields, even law firms. Not having an online presence will alienate your firm from its potential clients.  Strategic thinking, analysis, and the implementation of digital marketing are crucial for business […]

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Popular culture has taught us that the more aggressive a lawyer behaves, the better the lawyer is. Unfortunately, an aggressive lawyer can be a turn-off, the key is becoming an assertive lawyer. The belief that hostile communication conveys confidence and […]

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Branding is the act of storytelling. It is a strategic effort that creates a certain kind of image and perception of your brand into people’s minds.  Human beings are always forming impressions and opinions about things that they come across. […]

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Consumer habit has made SEO and digital marketing essential for businesses and service providers across industries, and lawyers are no exception. In this digital world, people rely on the Internet for almost everything, even legal matters. Whether someone’s looking to […]

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