How To Get New Clients Virtually

By Law Firm Suites - April 21, 2020
How To Get New Clients Virtually

Law Firm Suites’ very own Rafael Wilson shares his top tips that lawyers can use to bring in new clients  

Some of you may be sitting at your desks asking yourselves, “If I can’t interact with people face-to-face, how will I close new clients?” Luckily for you, people still have legal troubles – those have not disappeared because of this time of crisis.

Successfully networking online will immensely boost the number of contact opportunities you have. This translates to increased chances of obtaining new clients, a.k.a. new income. Whether you succeed or not in getting new clients is contingent on your actions or lack of.  I have come up with three tips that might be beneficial in helping you obtain new business through this period of time and hopefully, afterward:

1.  Pick Your Social Media Platform

Many of us are guilty of creating multiple online accounts through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Alignable, and many others in the hopes of obtaining a following; But in reality, fail. One big reason for this failure is because we forget about them.

A social media account is like a baby. You have to nurture and interact with it every day for your account to grow. There is no magical formula to get a following and converting your followers into new clients other than by posting consistently and interacting with them.

The key to success with your social media account(s) is to begin your online presence by only being on a few social media platforms. I recommend to only pick up to 2 platforms until you feel confident you can manage more. This will give you the room to learn and take advantage of the different tools and groups these platforms have to provide while growing your following.

2.  Provide Value

Don’t tell anyone I told you this, but often businesses fail to provide value before starting to reach out to potential clients. Although this is a common marketing tactic mostly known as “cold-calling/emailing,” it’s not the most efficient, and besides, you only get one chance to make a first impression, don’t make it a negative one.

The simplest way to provide value is by actually being present to your followers. Be sure to consistently provide content that relates to your practice area, commenting online, giving compliments, and making it personal (no, I don’t mean to have arguments online). Find the shared connections on their social media accounts. By doing a little research you can find many things you share in common with your followers like colleges, sports teams, residence, and hobbies. Use this knowledge as your key to closing new business. Finally, please remember to respond to the comments and replies posted on your content. Everyone wants to know the mind behind the words!

Additionally, you can also add value by promoting your availability and providing free quick consultation calls. Remember that everyone else is just like you during this time. Everyone is stuck inside wondering about their ongoing matters and what they can do to help their situation move along. This is a great opportunity to add direct value to your followers while allowing you to learn their needs. As an immediate outcome, this can help you tailor your business’ plan in the short and long term.

3.  Don’t Forget Your Current Clients

Not only should you be promoting your business through your social media, but through your current listserv as well! Remember that the best marketing strategy is word of mouth and who to better advertise your work but your former and current clients?

Reach out to your most recent and memorable former clients. Those with whom the commonalities you both shared are still fresh in their memory, plus doing this will give you a higher rate of responses. There is no “goal” in reaching out to your former clients but just sending them a quick note. A lot of them will appreciate you checking in and wishing them well. Your email will trigger their memory to make connections between what services you provide and their personal lives. As a result, this could mean referrals for you, a.k.a new clients. 

If you have current cases on hold, be sure to reach out to those clients and update them. Even if there is no update, just let them know what you know and what you are planning to do to help them with their case. This will go a long way and will create loyalty and the possibility of more referrals. Additionally, depending on your practice area, your clients might have matters you can take care of now, allowing you to charge for these other services. 

Remember to have fun while experimenting with your online networking and marketing strategies. Be consistent with your content and provide value on your social media platforms. There is no right or wrong way of obtaining new clients. 

What are some ways you have closed business with new clients during this “virtual-only” period of time?

About Law Firm Suites

Law Firm Suites is the leading NYC shared office space for solo attorneys and small law firms. At Law Firm Suites, attorneys get headache free sublet office space, virtual office rentals and litigation hotel services. Law Firm Suites has two locations in Manhattan, one in White Plains NY, and one in Annapolis MD. Law Firm Suites' community of self-employed lawyers are eager to help colleagues succeed, and routinely exchange over $2.5 million in legal business every year in each LFS business center. Connect with Law Firm Suites on Twitter and .

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