For lawyers, improving productivity is something that takes planning and a greater reliance on technology. These great articles can help.
Interested in increasing your overall productivity? We’ve chosen our top resources that can help you save time and money in your law practice.
1. Unlocking Productivity in Your Law Office: Eight Keys to Exposing Billable Time Killers
Solos attorneys are always looking for ways to increase efficiencies and cut costs. This article lists eight ways you can make better use of your time and increase the number of billable hours in your day.
2. How To Be More Productive In Your Virtual Law Office
Many solos are hesitant to work away from a traditional office because of the many possible distractions. In this week’s edition of Things I Wish I Knew, New York virtual office lawyer Joleena Louis shares her top tips for remaining productive while running her home-based solo practice.
3. Do the Math: How the 80/20 Rule Can Elevate Law Firm Productivity
Every minute of the day is important when it comes to billable work. You can use the 80/20 rule to help improve your law firm’s overall productivity.
4. 4 Actionable Tips That Will Instantly Make Your Practice More Efficient
Of all the challenges solo law firms face, perhaps time management is the hardest to handle. Wearing so many hats requires finesse and organizational skills which may not come naturally. Follow this article to learn about four tips that will help keep overhead low and efficiency high.
5. Four Steps to Improving Productivity Using Your Voice, Phone Apps, and New Technology
How do you bill more hours in a day with limited resources? Using a combination of your voice with your smartphone can improve efficiency and increase your bottom line. This article explains how lawyers can save time using digital dictation and explains what to look for when selecting voice productivity tools.
6. How to Increase Productivity in Your Solo Law Firm
Managing a solo law firm is easier said than done. Learn how to better organize your schedule and workspace, manage your time more efficiently and increase productivity.
7. 5 Simple Ways Lawyers Can Improve Their Productivity
Time is money for solo lawyers, which makes it even more important to adopt small habits that can make you more productive. This article lists five quick, easy tips busy lawyers can use to keep themselves focused and accomplish more throughout the day.