In today’s day and age, utilizing new media like YouTube is something a firm should take advantage of indefinitely for marketing purposes.
Here’s a tip for increasing your rank in Google search results by taking advantage of the Internet’s second-ranked search engine. Yes, it’s YouTube!
YouTube is a subsidiary owned by Google and in terms of internet credibility, Google often gives preference or credit to websites with a YouTube link. This means your firm is more easily searchable for someone who types in your company name on the Google search engine.
As technology advances, Youtube has become somewhat of the new rule in marketing, often at times replacing past marketing methods completely if not making them obsolete. You can now market your law firm easily with video.
YouTube is a gold mine for reaching prospective clients.
At a Lawyer Internet Domination Boot Camp, guest speaker Gerry Oginski shared his tips for using the internet to market your law firm. Ken Hardison, President of Personal Injury Lawyers Marketing & Management Association (PILMMA), was so impressed that he decided to make a video for his website detailing just how easy video marketing can be.
Ken says, “Whether you know it or not, YouTube is the second most active search engine there is in the world, right behind Google. So if you’re not taking advantage of this tool to get you on the front page of Google, you’re making a big, big mistake.”
Even if one does not realize it, utilizing YouTube gives one the opportunity to attain visibility, therefore the firm can nurture a prospective client by showcasing certain expertise in a given industry. Clients have a chance to see you and in many senses make a decision to seek out your services without wasting time on either end.
Create a “Frequently Asked Question” script based on a recent client matter.
As Ken suggests, creating a “frequently asked questions” style of video allows one to speak directly to a potential client. Sometimes their questions can be answered right from the video.
It’s typically best to approach it with a theme of commonality. What are your most common cases? What are the most common questions asked? Are there similar issues in each of the cases?
If you are going to showcase certain cases, make sure the cases are representative of your practice at its finest. Condense the cases to more of a summary and always remove sensitive information like client names and so forth. Even combining several different cases into one large example bodes well in lessening potential client exposure.
Plan your message carefully.
Jot down a script for yourself covering all the topics you want to cover in your video. Best practice is to always work off a script when recording a video. Make sure that you include a welcome phrase at the beginning in which you explain who you are, the name of your law firm, where you practice, and what types of cases you focus on.
Give a little teaser as to what this video will contain. Use keywords that your clients will be looking for. If you’re a personal injury lawyer, use the phrases “personal injury,” “liability,” and “compensation.” Use synonyms so that you’re not just saying “lawyer,” you’re also saying “attorney,” and “law firm.”
Be the expert your clients want to see.
Maintaining a direct and simple message with your example is crucial to marketing your message. Think of it as talking directly to the client you want to represent. Talking like you are in a meeting with the client will work in your favor.
The trick is to come across as an expert in your field without overwhelming your viewers.
At the end of the video, thank the viewer for watching and give clear instructions for how to find more of you online.
Ken does a great job by saying, “If you want more tips like this, just sign up on the bar on your right here and just put your name and email address and we’ll send you a weekly bright idea to help market your law firm.”
This type of welcoming is not only easy to understand, but it is the kind of message that will get you repeat viewers. The more views the better your ranking you will be on Google search.
Compare it to something like comedy. A comedian with a YouTube page will likely get views but the comedian with a clear message that hits all the right marks with a simplistic delivery will always be more well liked as opposed to a comedian who is incredibly complicated in delivery and uses too much filler.
Tips for shooting a video.
Once you know what you plan to say, film yourself and upload the video to YouTube.
A video shoot can be just as easy as using a webcam or PDA. However, shooting a quality video doesn’t have to cost you a small fortune.
At Law Firm Suites, adding video as part of our content mix is something we’ve recently started working on. We’re in the beginning stages of filming and editing video content, and here are links to sites that we’ve found useful:
- L
ifeHacker – one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly videos on how to plan, shoot and edit a web video, including what equipment to purchase.
- Indie-Mogul – this is an awesome YouTube channel packed full of do-it-yourself tips and ideas. To date, we have built a lighting rig and teleprompter using their plans.
- HubSpot How to write a Video Script Template + Video – HubSpot is the king useful marketing tips. This blog article gives 3 steps to writing a great video script. Incidentally, one point of contention with their advice, if you use a laptop as a teleprompter, position it as close to camera as possible, and make sure you shoot from at least 15 feet away. Any closer and it will look like you have crazy eyes because you will not be looking directly into the camera (a teleprompter resolves this issues, and you can make one using Indie Mogul’s design for as little as $35).
It is important when filming to relax. Trying a few takes helps and being conversational like you would with a client is the best way to go with filming. Using a person to “talk to” in the room is helpful for some, but sometimes it is even good to have everyone leave the room. Making mistakes is not the end of the world. Just regroup and start over.
Upload your video and embed it on your website.
Once you are happy with a particular take upload the video to YouTube. This requires creating an account if you don’t already have one. Your video must have a description that comprises keywords and links to your firm’s website. If you have other social media pages that’s helpful as well. After all is said and done, embed the video to your website.
One of the best things about using YouTube for marketing is the informational metrics you’ll have access to. Check the view counts on your videos and where they’re coming from so that you can create additional videos that cater to the search terms viewers are using to find you.