YouTube Marketing: 7 Ways To Make Your Firm’s Marketing Better

By Law Firm Suites - March 5, 2021
YouTube Marketing: 7 Ways To Make Your Firm’s Marketing Better

Many attorneys find YouTube marketing intimidating, which it shouldn’t be. There are many benefits that you stand to get from using YouTube videos for marketing. YouTube being the 2nd largest search engine on the internet means that it can boost your law firm’s presence and visibility online. Many brands have benefited from using YouTube videos for marketing, and you can do the same for your law firm. 

Here are a few ways YouTube videos can help your firm’s marketing from a sales and branding perspective.

Capture Audience Attention

YouTube videos are one of the easiest and most effective ways to capture the attention of your audience. The human brain was created to respond to more visual content. However, humans now have a very short attention span. This is because of the numerous content readily available to distract them. 

In light of this, marketers have to create the very best video content to grab and retain their attention. The addition of video on your blog means that you can make them watch the video and capture the user’s attention.

Develop Brand Trust And Credibility

If your sales pitch is all that you have to win over silence then you will likely fail. You must be able to win their trust. You can’t acquire potential clients without trust. As was mentioned on online research paper writing help, people only buy from brands that they trust.

This is where YouTube video marketing comes in. Credibility is a by-product of information. The more credible information you give out, the more credible your brand becomes. Video marketing is the best, most interactive way to pass credible information. Video testimonials of your customer using and recommending your product will also boost brand trust. 

Reinforces Your Sales Pitch

Your sales pitch is essential if you’re going to persuade people to pay for your service successfully. People are only convinced to buy because of your strong value proposition. 

According to Nielsen Jakobs, manager at get writing help with accounting assignment, you should only expect people to read 20% of the text on your website. So, even if you have a very strong pitch on it, they are unlikely to read and see it. 

However, the use of video allows you to cover your idea better. Most of your website visitors will watch the videos on your website, so you can pass across your message better and reinforce your sales pitch. In the end, they’ll get entertained watching your videos and also become convinced to patronize you. 

Boost Visibility Through SEO

While YouTube is a search engine on its own, it can also help your SEO efforts and make sure that you’re visible on the search engine results pages of Google. 

Google’s universal search allows a mix of media on the SERPs to give users a more comprehensive answer set. However, videos are more common, and Google prefers YouTube videos because it’s a subsidiary, and the transition between both websites is seamless. So, YouTube video marketing ensures that you are more visible online through Google. 

Your Video Content Lives Forever

The platform YouTube, allows you to create content that can remain relevant forever. If you post content on your Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook page, it’s unlikely that anyone is going back to it a week later. In 2 or 3 days max, you would get all the engagement on your content on other platforms. However, your YouTube video is forever and can continue to get traffic, views, comments, etc., ten years later. So, when creating your YouTube video content, always note that it’ll live on forever, so try and create content that’ll always be relevant.

Reach A Global Audience

Many businesses aim to grow into a global brand. This usually takes time – years – to grow both local and international reputation. However, you don’t have to wait that long when you can reach a global audience through YouTube. According to content creators at through a platform, consistently creating high-quality video content on YouTube allows you to reach more people worldwide. This is even more effective if you speak English since it’s the largest global market on YouTube. 

Using closed captions also helps you reach more people because you can cater to other needs. Videos with closed captions are also likely to get more views on YouTube. Don’t forget to include CTAs to other content on your site, services, product offers, etc.

More Sales And Promotion

The best way to boost conversions is to add a personal touch to your YouTube videos. Use an emotional appeal to reach them. This helps to create a connection with your audience and build their trust in your brand. Remember that people will only use your service if they feel they can trust you.

For instance, you can use a video of someone in your organization discussing your service or products to drive traffic to your landing page. This will help increase the number of leads and also boost sales. 


Video marketing is a very effective way to pass your message out to and promote your brand. People tend to pay more attention to video content than any other form of content. This is what makes YouTube a vast platform. There are many ways YouTube can enhance your video marketing, and some of these are discussed in the article. 

Author’s Bio 

Michael Gorman is a highly skilled freelance writer and proofreader from the UK who currently works as one of the dissertation writers providing the best essay writing services at the best essay writing websites. Being interested in everyday development, he writes various blog posts and discovers new aspects of human existence every day.  


About Law Firm Suites

Law Firm Suites is the leading NYC shared office space for solo attorneys and small law firms. At Law Firm Suites, attorneys get headache free sublet office space, virtual office rentals and litigation hotel services. Law Firm Suites has two locations in Manhattan, one in White Plains NY, and one in Annapolis MD. Law Firm Suites' community of self-employed lawyers are eager to help colleagues succeed, and routinely exchange over $2.5 million in legal business every year in each LFS business center. Connect with Law Firm Suites on Twitter and .

One thought on “YouTube Marketing: 7 Ways To Make Your Firm’s Marketing Better

  1. Hello, I would like to thank you for sharing this useful material. The YouTube marketing tips you have provided here will be useful for a lot of people. I will personally use it in my personal project

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