Terms of Service

Virtual Office, Coworking, Day Office, Mail Open & Scan Services and Certain Additional Services

Date Last updated: August 26, 2024

Effective Date for Current Version: August 26, 2024 for new members joining or adding new services after such date, and October 1, 2024 for existing members as of the date of this update.

Welcome to Law Firm Suites! These Terms of Service (the “Agreement”) describes the terms on which Law Firm Suites offers you a Virtual Office, Coworking day or plan, or Day Office daily usage or plan, or subscribing to Mail Open & Scan services or Additional Services (as defined below) (collectively, “Services”) at the Facility you chose. This offer is conditioned on your agreement to all of the terms and conditions contained in these Terms of Service, including the policies and terms linked to or otherwise referenced in these Terms of Service.

By selecting “accept” and/or purchasing Services, or by returning a signed version of a paper agreement covering any of such Services to us, you agree to and accept these Terms of Service. If you do not so agree, you should decline these Terms of Service, in which case you are prohibited from purchasing any of these Services from us.

Contracting Parties

If you are purchasing Services at Law Firm Suites’ Financial District location, you enter this agreement with Law Firm Suites, Inc. only. If you are purchasing Services at any other location other than the Financial District Location, then you are entering into this agreement with LFIS, Inc. d.b.a. Law Firm Suites as agent for the Operator (as defined below). In either case, the entity you are contracted with will be referred to in this agreement as “Law Firm Suites” or “LFS”.


Your Virtual Office, Day Office, Coworking or Mail Open & Scan Plans, or recurring Additional Services will commence on the date of your purchase and will continue on a perpetual month-to-month basis until terminated by either you or Law Firm Suites upon written notice to the other party received one month prior to the first day of a calendar month, or by Law Firm Suites at any time in the event of your Default (as defined below). The period beginning the date this Agreement commences until the termination by either party as described above shall be referred to as the “Term”. For the purposes of this Agreement, written notice received by Law Firm Suites from you after the first day of the Month will be considered received on the first of the next month.

For single-use day office or coworking purchases, the Term shall be for the dates and times reserved for each independent reservation.

This Agreement is subject entirely to the terms and conditions of Law Firm Suites’ Master Lease with the landlord of the Facility, and, upon the termination of the Master Lease, this Agreement will terminate without liability to any party.

Contracts Signed after the 1st of the Month for Monthly Plans

Recurring Services run on a calendar month cycle. In the event any contract is entered into on any day other than the first day of the calendar month, the earliest that it would be terminable is the last business day of the next month. For example, (i) if a contract commenced on (i) March 5 on a month-to-month basis, the initial term (and therefor the earliest date to terminate the agreement) would end on April 30; or (ii) on June 15 on for a one-year Term, the initial term (and the earliest date to terminate the agreement) would end on July 30 the next calendar year. Client is required to pay a fee for the first full month up front, and during the second month, the fee shall be pro-rated to reflect the days used during the first month.

License for Services

Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, during the Term, the Operator hereby grants to you a license for the non-exclusive use of the following services, as applicable:

  • the features described for the Services you have selected as they appear on our Website, located at lawfirmsuties.com, including optional mail forwarding services selected by Members with Virtual Office Plans, or the features listed for the Service on listed on our Rates & Charges Page;
  • a furnished and decorated reception room, with receptionist on business days whose duties shall include, among other things, greeting and announcing guests for Virtual Office plans only, receiving mail and other deliveries;
  • Wi-Fi high speed Internet access within the Facility;
  • access to postage meter usage, copy machine/printer subject to additional charges; and
  • HVAC on non-holiday business days (on a union schedule) during the hours of 9am and 5pm.

Services included as part of your plan, for example, free conference room hours, coworking days, or day office rental days, must be used within each month, and will not roll-over month-to-month.

Google Business Listing and Virtual Office; Local Office Plan for Financial District Members

Due to changes in Google’s policies regarding virtual offices and Google Business (formerly Google My Business) listings, members with Vrtual Office plans will no longer be permitted to establish or maintain a Google Business local listing. Members with Virtual Office plans at the Financial District location only can upgrade to a “Local Office” plan. Rates for the Local Office plan are listed on our Rates & Charges Page.

The Local Office plan will include:

  • Permanently assigned, shared deskspace in an office with dedicated suite number assigned by Law Firm Suites
  • Door signage (setup fee applies)
  • Use of the deskpace from 9AM – 5PM (additional fees apply)
  • Access to coworking deskspace and meeting rooms (additional fees apply)
  • Access to Law Firm Suites community
  • Collection of mail and packages and mail forwarding
  • Use of Law Firm Suites business address
  • Additional Services, including mail forwarding

Members with a Local Office plan will be required to have business cards left onsite, and agree to meet and abide by all the terms required by Google for a Google Business (or its successor programs’) listing. Members who desire the additional features of virtual office plans of higher value than the Mail Delivery plan can add these services to their account. Additional fees apply.


Conference Room and Day Office Reservation Policy

Conference rooms and day-office workspaces (workstations & private offices) are available for your reserved use on a first-come-first-served basis during hours that the Facility reception is staffed. On a case-by-case basis, the Facility may be made available to you after hours. Additional charges may apply, including staff overtime charges and/or a security deposit may be required. Your use of the conference rooms is subject to the Operating Standards and Conference Room, Day-Office & Coworking Policy included as part of this Agreement.

Coworking Policy

Subscribers to coworking (floating deskspace) plans have unlimited access to dedicated coworking areas during the hours that Reception is attended (typically, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM) during all non-holiday business days (“Business Hours”). Seats are available on a first-come-first-served basis. Law Firm Suites does not guaranty a seat in the coworking space, nor do we reserve space in advance. Law Firm Suites reserves the right to use the coworking area during Business Hours for community events, to which all coworking subscribers will be invited (and encouraged) to attend.

How to Change or Terminate Your Plan

You may terminate or change your plan for Services to a different plan at the end of your initial term prior to any automatic renewal.

If you decide to change your plan, you may do so by providing Law Firm Suites one month’s advance written notice of such change. So, for example, if you wish to terminate your plan on July 1st, your written termination notice must be received by Law Firm Suites on or before June 1st.

Law Firm Suites’ Right to Terminate This Agreement

Law Firm Suites has the right to terminate your plan for Services for any reason upon one month’s advance notice, and at any time in the case of your violation of this Agreement, the Operating Standards or Conference Room, or Day-Office & Coworking Policy.


If signage is made available to members at the Facility, subject to availability, Members with Virtual Office and Coworking Clients with Permanent Deskspace plans shall be permitted to have a business name included on signs for an additional fee at the rate set forth on our Rates & Charges Page. There will be a one-time set-up charge and any changes made to signage required to be made at your request shall equal the set-up charge for each such request. Members subscribing for signage agree and understand that Signage appears at the discretion of the Building’s Landlord, who may require the removal of signage at any time. In such event, neither Law Firm Suites nor the landlord will be responsible for the return of any setup or other fees paid by the Member. Members may be asked to replace their signage at their expense should it become damaged or if the sign must be replaced for any reason.

Use and Access

You shall only be permitted to use the Services at the Facility for general office use incident to the operation of a professional practice and for no other purpose, and your use of the Services shall be in strict accordance with the Operating Standards and Conference Room, Day-Office & Coworking Policy, which are annexed hereto as Schedule A and Schedule B, respectively, are incorporated by reference in, and form an integral part of, this Agreement. You shall also require your employees, guests, business partners and affiliates to abide by the Operating Standards.

In the even that you require access to the Facility after reception hours, you will need to make arrangements with reception in advance of your visit. Additional charges and/or security deposits may apply.

You will not offer at the Facility any services which Law Firm Suites or the Operator provides to its clients. You will not make, nor permit to be made, any use of the Facility or the building where the Facility is located (the “Building”) that would violate any of the terms of this Agreement or violate any law, rule or regulation, including Building rules, or that is dangerous to life, limb or property or that, in the sole discretion of Law Firm Suites, in any way impairs or interferes with either the character, reputation or appearance of the Building or the Facility or other clients use and enjoyment of the Facility. The foregoing will also apply to your guests, business partners, employees and affiliates.

After your use of the Facility, you shall restore the Facility, including any and all furniture, fixtures and equipment provided by Law Firm Suites or the Operator. You will be responsible for the cost of damage caused by you, your guests or staff to the Facility or Building.

Limitations on Use

Virtual Office plans shall be used for one business name, only (the “Primary Business”). Members with multiple businesses, or operating under one more more DBA names must purchase additional virtual office plans at rates set forth on our Rates & Charges Page. Mail received on behalf of clients or other parties who do not list the Primary Business’ name as a c/o addressee will be returned to sender.

Day office rentals shall be limited to one person’s usage per office (not including guests for a business meeting held in a day office). Coworking plans are purchased per person, unless custom arrangements are made with Law Firm Suites to accomodate several people in a firm, each additional person in a business will be required to purchase their own Coworking plan.


You must establish an Account with Law Firm Suites to use the Services. You agree to provide accurate, current and complete information about yourself as prompted by the registration form (“Registration Data”) and to use the account management tools provided to keep your Registration Data accurate, current and complete.

You shall also stay subscribed to Law Firm Suites “Customer Communications” email list, through which Law Firm Suites will send important information about your membership, including changes to these Terms, office closures and emergency notices. If you unsubscribe from this list you acknowledge and agree that Law Firm Suites can resubscribe you.

You may establish an Account with Registration Data provided to Law Firm Suites by a third party who provides a gateway to our Services through the use of an API, in which case you may have a separate, additional account relationship with such third party. This relationship in no way modifies, lessens or alters your obligations under this Agreement. You acknowledge that Law Firm Suites is not liable for the acts or omissions of such third parties, which are not the partner or representative of Law Firm Suites or endorsed or controlled by Law Firm Suites.

Fees, Billing and Credit Card

For and during the Term, you will pay Law Firm Suites the monthly service fee for the plan you have selected. On or about the first business day of each calendar month in the term, you will also pay to Law Firm Suites the cost of any variable items, such as postage and shipping charges for mail forwarding and conference room usage and you hereby agree to pay such charges. The current rates for all services are set forth on our our Rates & Charges Page (“Rate Sheet”), and is incorporated herein by reference.

Recurring monthly fees for Virtual Office, Day Office, Coworking or Mail Open & Scan plans will automatically increase by three percent (3%) annually on the anniversary of your purchase of such service. For all existing members with recurring plans as of September 1, 2024, the anniversary date shall be October 1st. Additionally, for new members who receive a promotional rate, at the conclusion of the promotion period, the monthly recurring fee shall increase to the standard rate set forth on our Rates & Charges Page for services subscribed.

If any payment or other charge due under this Agreement is not received by you within 10 business days after its due date, you will also pay, in addition such charges, a late fee at the rate set forth on the Rates & Charges Page for each missed payment.

In the event that that you pay any charges by check or ACH and your check or ACH is returned for any reason, you will pay an additional returned check fee or returned ACH fee as set fort on the Rates & Charges Page.

Mail Open & Scan Policy

Mail Open & Scan plans are available only to Members who have a subscription for Services billed on a recurring basis who are entitled to receive mail as part of their Service (i.e., Office Rental, Virtual Office, Permanent Deskspace).

Mail Open & Scan plans are for one business or firm, and all mail received for the business or firm will be scanned to one email address only. If a single business or firm needs each scan to be sent to multiple email addresses, this can be arranged, see a Law Firm Suites team member for options. Additional fees may apply. Members will be responsible for a per page scan fee at the rate described on our Rates & Charges Page for all pages scanned.

Members with multiple businesses, or operating under one more DBA names must purchase an additional Mail Open & Scan subscription for each such business or DBA at the Additional Person or Company Mail Open & Scan Rate described on our Rates & Charges Page.

If a firm or business desires that its mail be separated and scanned to individual recipients, each such recipient must subscribe for a separate Mail Open & Scan plan at the Additional Person or Company Mail Open & Scan Rate described on our Rates & Charges Page.

All new mail will be opened by a member of Law Firm Suites’ team and scanned to a subscribing member daily on business days that the Facility is open (subject to the Mail & Package Delivery Cut Off policy below).

Junk mail will not be opened or scanned. This includes post-cards, catalogues or other mailers not sent by First Class postage rates. Law Firm Suites will use its discretion with respect to determining if a piece of mail is junk.

Magazines or other mailed publications will not be scanned.

For very large documents received, such as deposition transcripts or pleadings with multiple exhibits, Law Firm Suites has the right to scan only the first page of the document and will await instructions from the Member about the remainder, or it may scan the entire thing. Additional services fees may apply at the One-off Search & Scan Rate should the client later request an entire document be scanned as described on our Rates & Charges Page. Items where only the first page is scanned will be marked as such.

Mail that is scanned will be returned to the Member’s mailbox for pickup or forwarding.

Each Mail Open & Scan subscription is limited to 50 pieces of mail per month (excluding Junk or publications). Additional fees apply after 50 pieces as described on our Rates & Charges Page.

Mail Forwarding

Virtual Office and Office Rental Members can choose to have their mail forwarded to an address of their choice. All mail received by the member will be forwarded to one address only. If the Member would like mail forwarded to multiple addresses, this will require the purchase of an Additional Company Virtual Office for each address. Members can choose to have their mail forwarded Daily (Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays); Weekly (Fridays) or Monthly (First Monday). Mail is forwarded on non-holiday business days only, and is subject to the Mail & Package Delivery Cut Off below. Members will choose whether mail will be forwarded by USPS, FedEx or Priority U.S. Mail. Different rates apply for each delivery method as described on our Rates & Charges Page. If by FedEx, Law Firm Suites requires that shipping fees be billed directly to the Member using Member’s FedEx account number. Members can change the frequency of their mail delivery with one-months’ advance written notice, or the address to which mail is forwarded at any time in writing.

Mail & Package Delivery Cut Off

Mail forwarding and Mail Open & Scan is generally performed in the afternoons. In the event that mail or packages are delivered after 2:00 P.M., such items will be sorted and deposited into mailboxes, and for Mail Open & Scan subscribers, will be scanned on, the next business day. For Virtual Office subscribers who have chosen mail forwarding services, items delivered after 2:00 P.M. on the date of a scheduled forwarding will be forwarded on the next regularly scheduled mail forwarding day.

Special Mailbox Check

Clients can contact Law Firm Suites team members to check their mailbox. Additional fees will apply for each such search as described on our Rates & Charges Page.

Office Rental Clients

For Members with Office Service Agreements for the rental of office space, who avail themselves of any of the services mentioned in these terms, these Terms of Service shall be in addition to, and not in lieu of, the terms and conditions found in their Office Service Agreement.

Sales & Use Taxes

Where applicable and in accordance with federal, state and local laws, Law Firm Suites will collect sales and use taxes on all services you purchase from us.

Additional Services

In addition to the Services, Law Firm Suites and the Operator will make available to you additional services that they may make generally available to other Members. The charges for these additional services are generally on our Rates & Charges Page.

If we provide additional services to you that involve third parties, Law Firm Suites will require you to pay, or to reimburse Law Firm Suites for, the fees and expenses of such third party in advance of such Services being rendered.

Copier/Scanner/Fax Services

You will be permitted to use Law Firm Suites’ copy machine for routine copying, printing, scanning and outgoing faxes at the rates listed on our Rates & Charges Page. At our discretion, you will either be assigned a code that you shall use for each copy machine usage, or we will make the copies for you at the “staff” rate.

Internet Services

Law Firm Suites will make available to you WiFi Internet access when in the Facility (the “Internet System” and, collectively with the copier, the “System”). The Internet System is provided for normal Internet usage incident to running a small professional practice. You shall not be permitted to use the Internet System in any way that requires an abnormal use of bandwidth (for example, the operation of a Website server). Law Firm Suites reserves the right to disconnect your computer(s) (and that of your affiliates) from the Internet System if it believes that any such computer is interfering with other LFS Member’s use of the Internet System (i.e. as a result of viruses, Trojan horses, etc.).

Optional Telecom Services

Full VOIP telephone service includes a Polycom or similar IP telephone. Live Receptionist service includes 50 live answering minutes, 300 local and long distance minutes and one phone number, personalized live answering between 9 A.M. and 8 P.M. Eastern Time. All optional telecom services are subject to the terms and conditions located on the Rate Sheet.

Waiver & Release

You acknowledge that Law Firm Suites and the Operator are not in the business of providing telecommunications or copy equipment or services and that the System is made available to you as a courtesy, and represents a substantial cost savings to you. Law Firm Suites and the Operator presently maintain, and will continue to maintain, service contracts on the System.

Neither Law Firm Suites nor the Operator will be liable for, and you agree to waive and hereby releases Law Firm Suites and the Operator from, any claim of business interruption or for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential exemplary or punitive damages arising out of any failure to furnish any Service, additional service or Facility, any error or omission with respect thereto, or any delay or interruption of same. Law Firm Suites (and the Operator as applicable) provides the Services and the additional services on an “as is” basis. Neither Law Firm Suites, the Operator (as the case may be), nor any of either of its agents, employees, officers or directors will be deemed to be making any representations or warranties, whether express or implied, as to the ability of any systems, including, without limitation, computer and electronic based equipment, its telecommunications or Internet system, relating to the Building or Facility. Law Firm Suites’ and the Operator’s liability under this Agreement will in no event exceed the amount paid by you for the Services from which the claim arose, and such liability will be apportioned by the amounts received by each of Law Firm Suites and the Operator. The parties agree to the allocation of risk detailed herein.

This section will survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.

Facility Operator

Law Firm Suites maintains a network of operators through which it offers Virtual Office and Coworking services, in addition to operating its own facilities. In cases where a Facility is operated by an operator in the network other than Law Firm Suites (the “Operator”), such Operator will be identified on the “product page” for the plan you are purchasing from Law Firm Suites’ website (or in the case of paper agreements, on the first page thereof). In such a case, you understand and agree that (i) the Operator is a third-party beneficiary to this contract, (ii) Law Firm Suites has no possessory interest in or to the Facility and merely serves as the billing agent for the Operator, (iii) the Operator is solely responsible for the delivery of the Services except for Optional Telecom Services which will be delivered by Law Firm Suites (the “Excluded Services”), (iv) you hereby waive and release Law Firm Suites from any and all liability, claims or losses that relate to or arise out of the Operator’s possessory interest in or to the Facility and the licensing and delivery of the Services therein (except for the Excluded Services) to you, and you agree to only seek recovery for any such loss from the Operator and not Law Firm Suites, (v) all billing and account inquiries and issues will be made directly with Law Firm Suites, not the Operator, (vi) where applicable and in accordance with federal, state and local laws, on behalf of and as solely as agent for the Operator, Law Firm Suites will collect sales and use taxes on certain services provided to Client.

Indemnity/Limitation of Liability/Disclaimers

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Law Firm Suites and the Operator from and against any loss, damage, injury, liability or expense to or of person or property occasioned by or resulting from any willful misconduct or grossly negligent or illegal act on your part, or on the part of your guests, employees, business partners or affiliates. Neither Law Firm Suites nor the Operator will be liable to you or to any other person on account of any loss, damage, injury, liability or expense to or of person or property.

The foregoing paragraph will survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.

You acknowledge and agree that neither Law Firm Suites’ nor the Operators’ insurance will cover you or your business for general liability loss or loss of property. In this regard, Law Firm Suites strongly recommends that you acquire its own general liability and property insurance policies.

Indemnity/Limitation of Liability/Disclaimers

You agree to indemnify and hold harmless Law Firm Suites and the Operator from and against any loss, damage, injury, liability or expense to or of person or property occasioned by or resulting from any willful misconduct or grossly negligent or illegal act on your part, or on the part of your guests, employees, business partners or affiliates. Neither Law Firm Suites nor the Operator will be liable to you or to any other person on account of any loss, damage, injury, liability or expense to or of person or property.

The foregoing paragraph will survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement.

Marketing System

Law Firm Suites’ mission is to create an environment where your efforts to grow your practice will be assisted by virtue of maintaining a Virtual Office or Coworking Membership and by participating in the Marketing System. Law Firm Suites will sponsor, host, or generally make available events, activities and processes (collectively, the “Marketing System”) that Law Firm Suites believes will assist clients in this endeavor. Decisions regarding the timing, frequency and selection of such events, activities and process will be in Law Firm Suites’ sole and absolute discretion. Notwithstanding the foregoing, each individual’s success depends on a number of subjective qualities, including a client’s background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and Law Firm Suites cannot and will not guarantee that you will earn any revenues, retain any clients, receive referrals or grow your practice as a result of participating in the Virtual Office or Coworking Membership or in the Marketing System. Law Firm Suites and the Operator each hereby disclaim any warranty of merchantability, whether express or implied, relating to the Marketing System.

Assignment; Subletting; Sublicensing

You are not permitted to assign, sublicense or sublet this Agreement or the Services without Law Firm Suites’ prior written consent, which consent may be withheld in Law Firm Suites’ sole and absolute discretion. Law Firm Suites may assign its rights and its obligations under this Agreement in whole or in part without your consent or notice.


On expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement, you will, without demand, promptly surrender any rights under this Agreement to the Facility or Services. If you vacate the Facility and leave behind any property, whatsoever, such property will be deemed abandoned and may be disposed of by Law Firm Suites or the Operator in any manner in which it deems fit, at your expense, and without liability to either of them.

Handling of Mail on Termination

Upon the termination of this Agreement (or suspension of services), Law Firm Suites or the Operator will mark all of your mail “return to sender” and will deposit the same in a U.S. Postal Service collection receptacle with all other outgoing mail. Neither Law Firm Suites nor the Operator will accept any package delivery service from UPS, Federal Express or other courier service or process server, and to the extent that Law Firm Suites or the Operator does inadvertently accept such package, it will promptly notify such carrier to collect the package and return it to its sender. Unless arrangements are made in writing, neither Law Firm Suites nor the Operator will have any obligation to notify any person or entity of your new address.

Default and Remedies

You will be in default (a “Default”) of this Agreement if you fail to fulfill any of the conditions, covenants or provisions of this Agreement, including but not limited to (i) payment of fees due under this Agreement within five (5) days of the date such charges become due and you fail to cure any of the foregoing events of default within five (5) days of receipt of written notice thereof from Law Firm Suites, (ii) violation of the Operating Standards; or (iii) you become insolvent, makes an assignment for the benefit of creditors or files a voluntary petition, or has an involuntary petition filed against it, under any bankruptcy or insolvency law.

Upon your Default, Law Firm Suites may, at its sole discretion, immediately suspend all Services, and/or terminate this Agreement.

In connection with a Default of this Agreement, if Law Firm Suites or the Operator incurs attorney’s fees and/or costs of collection or of ensuring performance, you will pay all such sums incurred by either of them with interest (and such sums will be deemed to be owed by you in addition to any other fees owed by you), and if the Term has expired at the time of incurring such sums, such sums will be recoverable by Law Firm Suites (or the Operator, as the case may be) as damages.

Binding Arbitration

The parties agree that in the event of any dispute, controversy or claim among them arising out of this Agreement (a “Claim”), as follows:

a. In the case of Claims alleging damages of $5,000 or greater, the parties agree to first submit such Claim to mediation before Arbitration Resolution Services, Inc. pursuant to the rules set forth on their website, arbresolutions.com, their successor and in the event there is not successor, to a mediation and arbitration vendor selected by Law Firm Suites (“ARS”); and

b. Notwithstanding paragraph a., above, in the event that any such matter submitted to mediation is not resolved, or in the case of any matter (i) alleging damages under $5,000, (ii) based in equity, (iii) collections matters for non-payment, the Claim shall be resolved by binding arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted by ARS (or any other online arbitration venue chosen by LFS in the event ARS is not available) and the parties shall be bound by any and all rules of ARS and any award/decision rendered. ARS rules can be found at arbresolutions.com. Any decision or award as a result of any such arbitration proceeding shall be in writing and shall provide an explanation for all decisions. Any such arbitration shall include a written record of the arbitration hearing. An award of arbitration may be confirmed and enforced in any court of competent jurisdiction.

c. Notwithstanding the foregoing, with respect any equitable remedy sought by Law Firm Suites or the Operator against you (or any claim for which arbitration is not lawfully permitted), and any financial remedy sought in association therewith, they shall not be subject to this requirement to arbitrate but they may choose to so arbitrate in their sole discretion to the extent permitted by law.

Changes to this Agreement

This Agreement may be changed by Law Firm Suites effective immediately by notifying you as provided by the Section below; provided (i) that Material Changes will become effective thirty (30) days after such notification; and (ii) changes in any subscription prices will not take effect until after the expiration of the initial term for contracts for any contract with an initial term longer than month-to-month. By continuing to use the Virtual Office plan after the effective date of any such change, you agree to be bound by the Agreement as modified. A “Material Change” is a change to this Agreement that reduces your contractual rights or increases your responsibilities under this Agreement in a significant manner.


Any notice under this Agreement will be in writing and will be either delivered by hand, first class mail, electronic mail to your email address in Law Firm Suites’ records, or by overnight courier to the party at the address set forth below. Law Firm Suites hereby designates its mailing address as:

Law Firm Suites
11 Broadway, Suite 615
New York, NY 10004
Attn: Legal Department
Tel: 212-269-3600
[email protected]

You hereby designate your address for notices hereunder to be the Shipping Address you provided when you purchased your Virtual Office or Coworking Package.

If such mail is properly addressed and mailed as above, it will be deemed notice for all purposes, given when sent or delivered, even if returned as undelivered.


The invalidity of any one or more of the sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or words contained in this Agreement or the application thereof to any particular set of circumstances, will not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Agreement or of their valid application to any other set of circumstances, and any such invalid provision shall be automatically amended to the extent necessary to make it valid, enforceable and legal, provided that any such amendments shall most closely reflect the intent and purpose of the original provision. Regardless of whether or not either party has elected to consult with legal counsel in reviewing this Agreement, it is the intent of the parties that in no event will the terms, conditions or provisions of this Agreement be construed against either party as the drafter of this Agreement.

Corporate Users; Execution by the Parties

If you are using the Services on behalf of a company, organization or other legal entity (collectively, “User Organization”), you represent and warrant that you are an employee of that User Organization or other person authorized to do so. The person entering into this Agreement warrants and represents: (i) that by entering into this Agreement, such person has complete and full authority to enter into this Agreement on behalf of the applicable party; and (ii) that such party will fully perform its obligations hereunder.


Failure of a party to insist upon the strict performance of any term or condition of this Agreement or to exercise any right or remedy available for a breach thereof, or in the case of Law Firm Suites’ acceptance of full or partial payment during the continuance of any such breach, will not constitute a waiver of any such breach or any such term or condition. No term or condition of this Agreement required to be performed by a party and no breach thereof, will be waived, altered or modified, except by a written instrument executed by the other party.

This Agreement embodies the entire understanding between the parties relative to its subject matter, and will not be modified, changed or altered in any respect except in writing signed by all parties.

This Agreement is subject and subordinate to the Building landlord’s lease governing the Facility, under which Law Firm Suites is bound as tenant (the “Main Lease”) and the provisions of the Main Lease.


Operating Standards

1. You and your guests will conduct yourselves in a businesslike manner; and the noise level will be kept to a level so as not to interfere with or annoy other parties using the Facility. You will follow all of the House Rules, which are incorporated into this Agreement by reference.

2. You shall abide by all conference room, day office & coworking policy annexed hereto as Schedule B. Any items left behind by you in the Facility will be discarded.

3. You will not conduct any activity within the Facility or Building which in the sole judgment of Law Firm Suites will create excessive traffic or is inappropriate to a shared office environment or that violates the rules and regulations of the Building.

4. You may not conduct business in the corridors or any other areas except in the designated conference rooms without the written consent of Law Firm Suites or the Operator.

5. All corridors, halls, elevators and stairways may not be obstructed by you or used for any purpose other than normal egress and ingress.

6. No advertisement, identifying signs or other notices will be inscribed, painted or affixed on any part of the corridors, doors, windows or public areas.

7. During the term of this Agreement and for six months thereafter, you will not knowingly, directly or indirectly, solicit clients of Law Firm Suites or the Operator, its affiliates or its employees for the purpose of performing services that are performed by Law Firm Suites or the Operator, its affiliates or its employees, without first obtaining Law Firm Suites prior written consent. Law Firm Suites will not knowingly solicit you clients for the purpose of performing services that are performed by you.

8. Immediately following your use of conference room space, coworking area or any other part of the Facility, you will clean up and return the space and equipment to the state and condition it was in prior to your use.

9. You will not in the Facility, without Law Firm Suites’ prior written consent, store or operate any computer server or any other large business machines, copier and postage equipment, heating or cooling equipment, stove, speaker phones, or mechanical amplification equipment (other than small appliances that are customarily used in the practice of law), refrigerator or coffee equipment, or conduct a mechanical business, do any cooking, or use or allow to be used in the Facility oil, burning fluids, gasoline, kerosene for heating, warming or lighting. No article deemed extra hazardous on account of fire or any explosives or firearms will be brought into the Facility. No offensive gases, odors or liquids will be permitted.

10. You may not bring animals into the Facility except for those assisting disabled individuals.

11. You will not remove furniture fixtures or decorative items from offices or common areas or make alterations to the Facility.

12. You will not smoke nor allow smoking in any area of the Facility or Building and will comply with all governmental regulations and ordinances concerning smoking.

13. As a general rule and to the extent reasonably practicable, you will not allow more than four visitors to be waiting in the reception lobby of the Facility at any one time. Law Firm Suites expects that, at times, you may have meetings that will involve more than four people. Law Firm Suites requires that you promptly move your guests to a conference room where your meeting will take place to minimize disruption to other clients.

14. You will cooperate with and be courteous to all other occupants of the Facility, Law Firm Suites’ and the Operator’s staff and personnel, and those of the Building.

15. Any equipment desired to be used and or installed by you, other than those machines ordinarily used for regular office purposes (i.e. personal computers, personal printers, calculators, adding machines, etc.) will be subject to the Law Firm Suites’ prior written consent to any such use or installation. This includes refrigerators, air conditioning units, heaters and photocopy machines other than desktop all-in-on units.

16. Your use of Internet routers and hubs is strictly prohibited within the Facility. Should you require the use of an Internet hub or router for any reason, arrangements must be made with Law Firm Suites to have the same installed by LFIS’ ISP vendor at your expense. The cost will be approximately $300. Law Firm Suites may not permit the use of, or may disable, your Internet routers in its sole discretion. You will be responsible for all cost incurred by Law Firm Suites or the Operator in connection with diagnosing any disruption in Law Firm Suites’ communications systems caused by your unauthorized installation of an internet router or hub.

17. The Landlord requires you to carry at all times a security pass to be used upon entering the Building. Building passes are available through the Building’s security desk one day per week. The rate to acquire a Building security pass, or to replace it if lost, is set forth in the Rate & Charges page, which is updated from time-to-time. All security badges issued under your account must be immediately returned to Law Firm Suites upon the termination of this Agreement. You hereby agree that your account will be billed $50 for each security card issued under your account that is unreturned within five (5) business days of the termination of this Agreement, and you hereby authorize Law Firm Suites to charge the credit card you are required to maintain on file under the terms of this Agreement.

18. If applicable, all of your guests will be entered into the Landlord’s security system. You will be provided instructions on how to use this system. Building security will not permit any guest to enter the Building without first being entered into the security system, nor will the building permit any unannounced guest to use a Building telephone to call you directly. NOTIFYING BUILDING SECURITY OF GUEST INFORMATION THROUGH THE BUILDING SECURITY SYSTEM IS YOUR SOLE RESPONSIBILITY.

21. Law Firm Suites reserves the right, without prior notice, to modify any of the foregoing and to make such other reasonable rules and regulations as in its sole discretion may from time to time be needed for the safety, care, appropriate operation and cleanliness of the Facility.


Conference Room, Day-Office & Coworking Policy

Minimal Rental Periods. Conference rooms are available in 30 minute intervals, starting on each hour and half hour. The minimum rental period for a day-office workspace is a half-day (9:00 A.M. to 12:30 PM and 1:00 PM to 5:30 PM). These are the smallest units that your account will be charged for each such services. Advanced reservations for coworking usage during Business Hours is not necessary for subscribers of a coworking plan.

How to Make a Reservation. Reserve space through Law Firm Suites’ receptionist or online reservation system.

Cancellation Policy. Making and canceling conference room and workspace reservations is your responsibility. LFS Reception is not permitted to make reservations on your behalf, but all cancellations must be made through LFS’ Reception.

If you do not cancel a reservation within one business day, you will be responsible for the cost of the entire reservation. For example, if your reservation is for Friday at 10:00 A.M., if you cancel prior to Thursday at 10:00 A.M., then your account will not be charged for the reservation, but if you cancel after this time, your account will be charged for the entire reservation.

Because your reservation makes the space unavailable for other LFS members, you will be responsible for conference room, reserved coworking space or day-office workspace charges whether you use the space or not, and whether or not it is ultimately used by another client.

All conference room and workspace reservations must be canceled (notice received by Reception during its normal business hours) one business day prior to the reservation time. Notices sent to Reception after hours will be considered received at 9:00 A.M. on the next business day.

Billing Policy. Your account will be charged for the greater of (i) your entire reservation, regardless of whether you leave early, or your visitors show up late (or not at all), or (ii) actual usage (if your usage goes beyond the reservation time and the room or workspace is available for a longer period of time), with a minimum additional charge starting with the smallest billing unit for the space used.

Relocation & Re-booking Policy. LFS reserves the right to relocate your meeting to a different conference room or workspace to maximize the efficiency of office space usage, like, for example, to free up time to accommodate a multi-party deposition or closing. All clients benefit from this policy from time-to-time, so your cooperation and flexibility is greatly appreciated.

If your reserved conference room is vacant for more than 30 minutes, unless you notify a staff member of your intention to use your reserved conference room time, we reserve the right to make the conference room available to other clients; however, you will still be responsible for the cost of your reservation.

Miscellaneous Rules.

1. Leave conference rooms, day office space and coworking space cleaner than the way you found it. No one wants to clean someone else’s mess. Clean up after yourself and your guests. Remove all trash and push in chairs. If you cannot clean up after yourself, tell the Receptionist and a LFS staff member will do it for you. A fee of $50 will be charged on your next invoice. If you leave a mess anywhere in the Facility and don’t arrange for clean-up, you will be billed $100 on your next invoice.

2. Reserve enough time for your meetings. If your meeting runs long and conflicts with someone else’s conference room or day office reservation, you will be asked to leave the space. If you are asked to leave a space, please do so immediately.

3. Don’t “Jump In” an empty conference room or workspace without a reservation—EVER!! Make a reservation, or you will be asked to leave.

4. Conference rooms are not to be used as your second office. Conference rooms are to be used for client and staff meetings only, not for individual use to work on projects that can be done at your desk. Some LFS clients rent workspaces from which they cannot have client meetings. We are happy to rent you a larger office (even on a temporary basis) if your current space is too small to accommodate your needs.

5. Take care not to double book conference rooms. Read the calendar carefully and do not double book. You will be responsible for the cost of the double booked conference room.

6. Book your conference room early. As soon as you schedule a meeting, book the conference room. Conference rooms are readily available if you book them a few days in advance. Wait until the day of your meeting and you may find yourself booked out of a room.

7. If there is an issue with someone else conflicting with your reservation, see the LFS receptionist and we will handle the situation. Don’t handle this yourself. Let us be the bad guy–we’re OK with it.

8. Be mindful of your neighbors when working in the coworking space. The coworking space is intended to be a quiet workspace for attorneys. Think more like a law library than trading firm bull pen. Please keep cellular phones on quiet mode, keep the volume of in-person conversations at a low level, and only take phone calls in designated call areas. Your guests are not permitted to use or meet with you in the coworking space.

Compliance with Operating Standards. Your use of the conference rooms is further subject to the Operating Standards (above).