Find out whether you meet four important criteria for starting a solo practice. Wanting to practice solo and being ready for it can be two very different things. There are some key indicators that it’s a good time to go […]

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Protecting your client’s confidentiality is crucial in running a law firm, this even includes securing your online files and network. Ever feel like someone might be viewing your online activity when you are connected to public Wi-Fi? Well, there’s a […]

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Most small businesses fail due to lackluster financial practices, the same goes for small law firms. Stay on top of these financial considerations or risk a dying firm. The legal industry is a competitive marketplace. While there is no shortage […]

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The cornerstone of your law firm’s online presence is mostly its website. You want your potential clients to locate you on a Google search, and your site to incorporate an elegant design that highlights your law firm’s identity. To achieve […]

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Whether you’re already in a legal career or on the verge of starting one, there’s always time to transform things to your advantage. It takes patience, skill, and persistence to pursue a career in law. Here are some ways to […]

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