7 Tips For Law Students On How To Become A Better Lawyer

By Law Firm Suites - August 27, 2021
7 Tips For Law Students On How To Become A Better Lawyer

Some would say that the legal profession is not as desirable as it was just a decade ago. High stress levels, slow career progress, and other circumstances make legal jobs less attractive to modern youth. Nevertheless, thousands of applicants every year choose such a career path and strive towards professional success. 

Seasoned lawyers often have a good understanding of what constitutes to be a great lawyer and try to keep up with these standards, but law novices commonly struggle to do so. 

We narrowed down our input top 7 tips which will be of guidance if you wish to become a better lawyer.

Acquire As Much Knowledge As Possible.

Law students and young lawyers alike must always be hungry for new knowledge, both within the realm of jurisprudence and outside it. A good lawyer is always a well-read and thoroughly educated individual.

Law students should read textbooks, study cases, visit courtrooms, read laws, learn from their mentors, and otherwise accrue necessary legal knowledge. Besides this, a good lawyer should read books on oratory art, politics, psychology, etc. All types of quality reading materials will help to expand vocabulary, boost analytical abilities, aid with situational analysis, help to correctly formulate thoughts, and much more.

Work Hard. 

As basic as it sounds, we couldn’t skip this simple truth. Legal professions are not for slackers. Every student who chose this path must realize the demands it sets for its takers. Only those students who never stop putting in the work and refuse to slow down can get to the top of the legal profession. If you can’t handle the grind, maybe it’s not the right profession for you.

Learn To Work With People.

A successful lawyer always has an excellent knowledge of human nature, which allows them to effectively communicate with clients, prosecutors, judges, media, etc. You can get better at this by learning basic psychology, being perceptive and attentive to your interlocutors.


A modern lawyer must be good at writing. The more you write, the better you will get. Write articles, social media posts, communicate via professional networks, discuss legal questions on forums, learn to put your ideas and points of view into writing. Some students have trouble with creative writing. If it is an issue of yours as well, you should check out free essays samples online to study compelling writing on any topic. All the samples are completed by professional writers. There is even an option to order a unique paper written from scratch by one of the experts.

Always Be On Top Of The News.

Jurisprudence is a fast-changing field – new regulations and amendments are coming out daily. Lawyers need to keep track of current news, as their careers literally depend on them. A minor new bit of information can turn the case around, help a lawyer make or break it. Smart, forward-thinking layers routinely check all industry-related news.

Be Inquisitive & Listen.

When reading books or listening to lectures, write down questions you have, look for answers on your own, or ask your teachers. Sometimes we are discouraged to ask questions because we don’t want to appear ignorant or foolish, but such an approach will not get you far as a specialist. Being able to listen and pick up on important information is a very important skill. It will help you understand the task at hand correctly, quickly get someone’s point, learn from a senior colleague’s experience, etc. The ability to listen carefully and analyze incoming information, as well as to draw the right conclusions from it, is a must-have for a good lawyer. 

Look For New Experiences.

Attend as well as help organize professional events, look up fun internships, even if they are not paid, and find opportunities to otherwise expand your skillset.

Skills of teamwork, persuasion, negotiation, writing, public speaking, etc. are rarely taught in law school, but lack of them can rob a new lawyer of an opportunity to build a successful career. Try finding professional experiences that will help to work on those skills.

Final Thoughts

Becoming a lawyer, let alone a successful one, is a very difficult task, but many young people dream about it. After all, a skilled lawyer makes very good money, and acknowledgment of their fruitful labors grows with every case they win. 

However, it should be remembered that a lawyer’s path is very demanding, and no one succeeds in becoming an excellent specialist overnight. Still, if you keep pursuing your goal and follow our tips, nothing will stop you from becoming a truly great lawyer.

About The Author:

Charlotte is a writer and researcher who enjoys addressing tricky questions and pursuing complicated topics to shine a light on many cross-discipline matters. Charlotte’s perseverance, analytical mindset, and distinct personal style help her compose compelling and comprehensive articles her readers love. Working with LetsGradeIt, she also enjoys educating her contemporaries about creative writing. Her hobbies include cooking and reading.


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Law Firm Suites is the leading NYC shared office space for solo attorneys and small law firms. At Law Firm Suites, attorneys get headache free sublet office space, virtual office rentals and litigation hotel services. Law Firm Suites has two locations in Manhattan, one in White Plains NY, and one in Annapolis MD. Law Firm Suites' community of self-employed lawyers are eager to help colleagues succeed, and routinely exchange over $2.5 million in legal business every year in each LFS business center. Connect with Law Firm Suites on Twitter and .

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