7 Ways To Find Ideas For Your Law Firm’s Blog

By Law Firm Suites - April 30, 2021
7 Ways To Find Ideas For Your Law Firm’s Blog

Starting and maintaining a blog for your firm can be quite cumbersome, however, an effective blog will reap many rewards. This article highlights seven ways to gain ideas for your blog. 

In order to draw potential clients to your firm, you must stand out! A good way to stand out from your competition is by creating an informative and creative blog. Your blog should showcase your firm and the values it holds within the community while drawing potential clients into your world. This might seem like a heavy and daunting task but when done correctly you’ll have a form of content that not only educates clients and other attorneys but will provide revenue in the long run. 

The toughest part about creating a blog is deciding what content should be featured. Often we might hit the wall and have crazy writer’s block but that where guest blog articles and research on your competition will play out well. You can draw ideas for your blog from any source as long as you make it relevant to your firm. 

Common Industry Problems Or Current Events

Being hip to what is happening within your community allows you to talk about current events and share your opinion. Blog articles like this are a great way to generate a conversation within the comment section because everyone will have something to say. It’s important to find your voice within articles that talk about controversial topics because you do not want to deter people from your site but you want to create an open forum for debate. 

Industry Lifestyle Trends

Highlighting lifestyle trends within your industry will grant you, followers, because everyone is interested in how to elevate their persona. With the era of “social media” attorneys rising, the desire to “keep up with trends” is high. Many attorneys have run to social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, Snapchat, etc to promote themselves in catchy and creative ways. So creating articles on how to elevate your social media presence, how to dress for a deposition/court, or even how to look your best on a zoom call are beneficial to your blogsite. Though these topics might seem superficial, they are key trending topics and an interesting perspective on them can elevate your blog status. 


Tips and tricks of the game articles are always fitting for blog sites. Your audience might be in a bind and need to know a way to improve themselves and their firm, so include some of these helpful articles on your site. This is a key reason why your content should be readable. If you are marketing yourself as a knowledgeable source, then you want to have that shown through your verbiage as well. Sentence structures, proper grammar, and even a long or catchy lead will allow the reader to determine if your advice is valuable or not worth the read.  

Inspiration From Other Blogs

Sometimes finding inspiration comes from other blog sites, and that’s ok. Inspiration from other blog sites does not have to be an exact replica. Use these articles as a jump start to finding your own twist on the information. If you decide you want to use another person’s article, be sure to give them credit by including their byline and a backlink to the original article. 

Invite Guest Bloggers

An outside perspective is always refreshing, so never be opposed to offering guest blog writers a spot on your site. Most guest bloggers will submit their work for free and all they require are backlinks to their sites and a byline. While some do provide content for free, others might request a fee or offer to pay a fee. Accepting proposals like this is solely up to your discretion and budget. 


Pay close attention to your comment section because your next post could more than likely be embedded within it. Your comment section plays a huge role in inspiring content because it’s full of questions, comments, and opinions that you can expound on. Utilizing this section in your blog site also shows your readers that you are committed to responding to them and creating content that is centered around their thoughts and inquiries. Take the time necessary to research the questions they pose and respond with your well-informed and unique perspective. 

Blog Generators

When all else fails and your well of ideas has run dry, try utilizing blog generators. Blog generators are such a useful tool to help spark the creative process. Most generators only require you to input a few keywords and will generate a week’s worth of content. Bookmarking a few generators on your search bar will allow you to have a foolproof backup plan on those pesky writer’s block days.


About Law Firm Suites

Law Firm Suites is the leading NYC shared office space for solo attorneys and small law firms. At Law Firm Suites, attorneys get headache free sublet office space, virtual office rentals and litigation hotel services. Law Firm Suites has two locations in Manhattan, one in White Plains NY, and one in Annapolis MD. Law Firm Suites' community of self-employed lawyers are eager to help colleagues succeed, and routinely exchange over $2.5 million in legal business every year in each LFS business center. Connect with Law Firm Suites on Twitter and .

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