Use these awesome resources to create powerful and effective law firm marketing videos that will have an impact on your firm.
Are you considering adding video to your law firm marketing strategy? Developing successful video marketing can be a challenge for many attorneys, but we’ve created a list of resources to help you get started.
1. How to Create a Video Marketing Strategy for Your Law Firm
With YouTube, Facebook Watch and the recently launched IGTV, reaching potential clients through video is easier than ever, making now the perfect time for your law firm to develop a video marketing strategy. Do not fear, putting together a video marketing strategy can be accomplished by following a couple of simple steps.
2. Effective YouTube Marketing Tips For Lawyers
Youtube has always been a great platform for marketing. It is extremely easy to make and upload a halfway decent video and with some tips and guidance, lawyers can make powerful marketing videos for their firm. Check out these tips specifically designed for lawyers using video online to promote their firms.
3. How Lawyers are Using Video
Online video has shown to have many advantages over other media. It highlights the attorney and provides an opportunity to demonstrate his or her persuasive powers. Follow this article to get more tips from video marketing experts on how to get the best results for your firm.
4. Digital Trends for Law Firms – Promoting Videos
It is important to note that promoting your law firm by strategically using quality, shorter videos, with relevant content, increases not only your search engine optimization (SEO) but can help you garner more website traffic. Google is now slowly increasing the number of videos displayed in search results provided the video is relevant in answering a query. Follow this article to learn what else do lawyers need to know about promoting with videos.
5. 6 Legal Marketing Trends for 2019
Conversions are easily one of the most difficult hurdles for attorneys. Marketing a person’s expertise can be difficult on paper, however video marketing, if executed correctly, can be an excellent way for a lawyer’s personality to shine. Follow this article get great advice on using video, and other marketing techniques, to boost your firm in 2019.
6. What Your Law Firm Needs To Know About Youtube Marketing
Using Youtube for marketing your videos can help you save money and get seen by more viewers. If you’re considering using Youtube video marketing, you need to read this guide.
7. YouTube for Lawyers
You (as well as your competitors) are probably all on Twitter and Facebook. Most firms now also have a blog. YouTube, however, is underutilized by law firms and other businesses, creating the opportunity to reach a customer segment that your competitors aren’t reaching.