Research shows implementing the latest trends in website design and UX techniques increases new client leads.
Chicago-based web design firm, The Deep End Design, researched the latest UX and web design trends to determine which tactics generate the most client leads. They built the results into this infographic, highlighting the best practices.
User experience (or UX) and web design make your site easier to use and more appealing to visitors. Well designed sites with a great user experience more easily generate leads and impact a website’s performance in search results.
The legal sector is one of the most saturated and competitive professions marketing on the internet. If you are spending time and money to drive traffic to your website, strong UX and web design essential to converting that traffic into client leads.
If applied correctly, these tips will help your website convert more traffic into leads, increasing the return on your investment in web marketing.
2016 Web Design Trends to Boost Conversions – An infographic by The Deep End Design