In this edition of Things I Wish I Knew, Joleena Louis, discusses her strategy for marketing a solo practice using printed materials. When I started my practice I felt as though I needed printed materials to boost my marketing efforts. […]

Solo attorney, Joleena Louis, shares her tips on how to build a personal brand as a solo attorney. There has been a lot of buzz throughout the blogosphere lately about building a personal brand. Most of the chatter is geared […]

Standard lease agreements can be challenging, but an NYC virtual office can provide a secondary option that does not break the bank. Virtual offices are something not everyone knows about, but they share several similarities to typical office rental agreements. […]

Could you be making foolish mistakes that hinder your law practice success? You do not have time for that. Law practice success relies heavily on knowing the ins and outs of the industry. This means knowing what is working for […]