How do you measure success for your solo law firm? As it turns out, that depends largely on how you define the term “success.” Before measuring your own firm’s success let’s first take a look at how other solo and […]

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We completely understand that you did not go to law school to become a salesman. Almost no one pursues a professional degree to become a salesman. But every professional — doctors, bankers, CPAs, massage therapists, and chefs — has to […]

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Virtual office providers may present many options but attorneys need very specific elements in order to succeed. Executive office centers are the most typical location one can find virtual office arrangements. These centers are often abundant in major cities around […]

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Check Out Our Top 10 Blog Articles!  Law Firm Suites provides weekly blog content to help aspiring and established solo attorneys and small law firms alike. On this blog, we have gathered the top 10 must-read articles to guide you […]

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If your law practice doesn’t have a website or you aren’t sure what to do with the one you’ve got, these tips can help you avoid mistakes that cause more harm than good. Your website is a key component of […]

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