The advantages of real-life testimonials are endless. Gaining this written or word of mouth recognition will not only benefit your law firm but also your brand. Listed below are 7 ways your client’s testimonials can take you to the next […]

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File sharing has been a business practice for a very long time. As businesses become more globalized with business partners and employees spread across the world, file sharing has become a business necessity. It is very crucial for businesses that […]

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Being connected with your clients is important now more than ever. With so many distractions, it is difficult to focus on your family let alone your practice. Since in-person meetings can still be a challenge, connecting with your clients virtually […]

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As the coronavirus pandemic hit the world, the trend of remote working has skyrocketed. In the midst of the outbreak and lockdowns, it became a necessity to work remotely.  The trends are now changing and things are slowly getting back […]

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Staying productive in today’s social and work climate can be very stressful. Most of us are still working from home battling the struggle between work and online shopping, work and binge-watching shows on Netflix, juggling our children and zoom meetings, […]

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