About Law Firm Suites

Law Firm Suites is the leading NYC shared office space for solo attorneys and small law firms. At Law Firm Suites, attorneys get headache free sublet office space, virtual office rentals and litigation hotel services. Law Firm Suites has two locations in Manhattan, one in White Plains NY, and one in Annapolis MD. Law Firm Suites' community of self-employed lawyers are eager to help colleagues succeed, and routinely exchange over $2.5 million in legal business every year in each LFS business center. Connect with Law Firm Suites on Twitter and .

As we finish up the decade and reflect on this past year, all of us from Law Firm Suites would like to thank everyone who has been a part of our journey. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday, […]

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Lowing costs and increasing profits are tasks that frequently take up space in solo and small law firm lawyer’s minds. But don’t worry, these great articles can help! Interested in increasing your firm’s profitability or lowering costs? We’ve chosen our […]

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