Check out our top resource picks improving your referral relationships with lawyers and other professionals alike!
Need help with getting referrals and improving your relationships with those referral sources? These resources will help!
1. How to Rapidly Increase your Referral Network
Are you feeling the pressure to produce more business? You need a solid approach for getting referrals that will keep your pipeline full of new cases, and minimize the feast-and-famine revenue cycle common in small law practices. This eBook will teach you how to generate referrals quickly and waste less time by networking strategically.
2. Stop Meeting Potential Referral Sources in Coffee Shops. Be Unique and Try one of These Ideas Instead
The meet at a coffee shop routine has been overplayed. Instead of defaulting to a coffee date, why not try to meet your peers and referral sources in a more exciting way? You’ll make a more lasting impact on your new colleague, and increase the likelihood of being on the receiving end of some new business.
3. Tips for Cultivating Referrals from your Legal Peers
A strategic referral partnership is all about relationship building. Think of it like making a new best friend. It takes time and effort, and rarely happens overnight. Discover two simple tips that will help you create more powerful and mutually beneficial referral partnerships, therefore increasing revenue for your firm.
4. How To Make Sure Your Referral Sources Send You Great Leads
Having a steady stream of referrals is great, but getting referrals that match your ideal client is even better. Receiving high-quality leads from my referral sources doesn’t just happen by coincidence either. In this article New York solo lawyer Joleena Louis gives her top tips for making sure your referral sources are sending you great leads.
5. How Legal Referrals Flow
We surveyed 100 lawyers from 34 different practice areas to find out where, exactly, their business comes from. Download this free eBook to learn about every potential legal practice area that can refer clients to your firm, and increase profitability by expanding your networking to include referral sources you may have overlooked.
6. How to Get Referrals without the Benefit of Big Law
Referrals are the lifeblood of the modern law office. If you are a lawyer contemplating a move to a solo practice, you may wonder how referrals will flow after leaving a larger firm. Read on for some helpful advice on building a referral network as a solo lawyer.
7. 5 Rules to Follow When Sending Referrals
For many lawyers, sending referrals is one of the best ways to ensure that they will receive referrals in return. But this is a delicate and sometimes tricky process. Follow these five rules to make sure you’re sending high-quality referrals to your peers, and building strong and impactful referral partnerships.