Amanda discovers she’s getting more clients for her law firm by producing long-form YouTube videos about this topic than posting positive client reviews.
For an immigration attorney highlighting notable approvals is proof that the work you’re doing has paid off. It not only gives hope to potential clients but it shows what your firm has to offer.
In this week’s #FollowAttorneyAmanda, Amanda talks about her Youtube series, #NotableApprovals, and how it has become her most successful marketing tool.
Follow this video and see how Amanda highlights her firm’s success through their YouTube channel.
Video Transcript
Amanda Shaffer: Hi, I’m attorney Amanda Shaffer. Today we’re going to talk about my video series, notable approvals, or #notableapprovals. It is what I would describe as my most successful marketing tool that I have. So it actually started as a written blog. And if you go to our website and you go to the older blogs, you can actually see it’s still there. I would do like a slew of cases at once, all different cases, just some cases just putting like – since I do immigration law, like a native and citizen of this country got a work permit for this reason, and then I move on to the next one and I also scanned and redacted all the approval notices and orders from the immigration court and we’ll put that up too. Part of it was for SEO with the naming all the things and the ICM 97 notices that were redacted, so when people search for it, it would come up. Those did great, but the only problem I have with those is that it took me forever to write them. So I’d go months in between. Once I started going more than six months in between, I realized, all right, maybe I should focus more on only one case, more of an exciting case. So like certain cases, there’s more to talk about than others, especially cases that were like that went on for years. So I was right. Like sometimes I’d just write up a long one. And then when I started doing the Lives last year, I realized, what if I could do a short video, like just talk about one case; it’ll give a lot more information about the case. And then what turned out that these have been the number one thing, people cite for like what they saw and why they called us and the people who see the videos are so much more likely to entertain us now, I don’t have hard numbers. So this is kind of all based on feelings. But there’s no doubt in my mind that – I don’t write down every time someone says I saw this or that, but I get, I know I get so many where they’re like, I saw you do a show about someone’s case and it was like mine, and that’s why I called you.
So the reason it works so well, I think is number one, people want to know that you know how to handle their case. You’ve handled something like that in the past. So when you’re literally telling them I’ve done a change of status from a TN visa to a B2 visa back to a TN visa, and that’s what that person’s doing, that they are definitely more likely to hire you because they already have faith in you. It also gives them a chance to see how much I care about each case and each client because I talk about the ups and the downs and I’m just very honest about it. So it’s just a really good way for me to show the [inaudible 02:37] it will show my worth; show my intelligence; show my, my sensitivity, you know, all in one place. And I also want to enjoy talking about the cases. So you could tell that too. And they range anywhere from the I’ve had, one’s less than five minutes to – my longest one was like 45 minutes. Generally speaking, the videos on social media you want to try to keep them short, but I actually found with these CA these notable approvals, the longer ones sometimes get more traction because I go into such detail about the cases. And like I used to not talk about the evidence that we’d submit, but I realized that that was something that people like. So instead of me just saying, oh, we got a marriage-based green card approved in three months, now I say we got a marriage-based green card approved in three months and we submitted ABCD and F as evidence. And that’s what – part of the reason it was able to get approved so fast. So I really enjoy doing those and I try to do them. I used to them four days a week. I still try to at least once a week, but we’re just too busy, which is a good thing. Cause it’s just like everything else with social media. It’s not just about posting it or doing the live. I should say. It’s about posting it after and making the graphic. And you know, since I do all that myself, it’s doable, but four days a week is it could take half an hour to an hour of your time. So it’s not always feasible every day.
I’m trying to figure out ways to shorten that time. But anything you can do, I realize where you’re just talking about your work for me, at least has been the best advertisement. So I stick to it and I learned, don’t worry about talking too much because I always talk too much. But when I’m doing the knowable approvals like I said, people are – They don’t want to, but they want to hear how you did what you did. I make everything really complicated because it is, but I don’t, – don’t make it sound like everything’s so easy. I’m always pointing out why it helped to have a lawyer and why didn’t help. Like I always make sure you bring a lawyer with you. If you have this problem, you should have had a lawyer or, the reason this went smoothly is that I’m a lawyer and they hired me. I always make sure to point that out. So that is all today for #FollowAttorneyAmanda, we will see you next episode, and have a great night.