Local SEO plays a huge role in your potential client’s ability to find your firm online. Follow this infographic for quick and simple steps that can help boost your firm’s search ranking.
Optimizing your firm’s website for Local SEO will boost organic traffic to your site. According to Hubspot, organic search traffic has the highest potential to generate new leads, and organic search traffic is more cost effective than a pay-per-click or paid advertising campaign.
Essentially, effective local SEO turns leads into clients much more efficiently.
But improving your firms ranking can be easier said than done, especially since Google’s ranking systems is constantly evolving. You have to look at the finer details of local search and optimize the right elements to push down the competition.
Since you most likely went to school to practice law, not digital marketing, we have found this great infographic that will help. The local SEO experts at seoreseller.com have put together this complete guide to help improve your firm’s search rank. Plus, if you follow this guide, many of the improvements will be noticeable within 20 days!
So come take a look at this infographic and start improving your firm’s search ranking right away!