Expand Your Referral Relationships With a Bowling Green Shared Law Office Space

By Law Firm Suites - August 27, 2015
Expand Your Referral Relationships With a Bowling Green Shared Law Office Space

A Bowling Green shared law office space can really help to shape and enhance your referral relationships.

Referrals are part of the business of law. Not only do they mean you get get to practice your expertise, but it is guaranteed money for you and your practice. New lawyers must understand this as they are one of the most important things for your career.


Because they are carefully thought out when presented!.

Not all areas of law complement each other. For example, an attorney with a niche real estate practice likely cannot do IP litigation. In this scenario a referral would be wise.
Referrals are almost never a random occurrence and and existing relationships are likely a reason why an attorney would receive a referral.

You should NEVER turn your back on a referral because this is a way to gain consistent revenue that benefits the growth of your practice and essentially your career.

A shared law office space is special because it can be utilized as a tool to build referral potential in the easiest way possible. All you have to do is walk around the office and introduce yourself to the neighboring attorneys!
Even if you work primarily from home, you still need interaction even if it takes more effort.

The attorney has to be right for the client.

Keeping your reputation intact is everything as an attorney. How your public relations efforts work is serious business. Both attorneys put their reputations in jeopardy if the do not proceed carefully with the giving and receiving of referrals

It is imperative that you remember that the client is the most important person in the relationship.

Have knowledge of the attorney beforehand.

In New York, you get a variety of personalities. This mirrors itself in the kinds of attorneys that exist. Is the attorney a cutthroat shark or are they a little more nurturing? This holds a lot of importance for clients in choosing attorneys.

Understand how they “lawyer.”

The style of lawyering is critical to how the client feels. Cut-throat lawyering doesn’t work for everyone, especially if someone just wants low key mediation. That just might be a turn off.

Know their billing style and rates.

Many lawyers are brilliant, but this means nothing to a client if the billing style and rates do not meet their needs. Money is a key component of lawyer-client relationship and you can find it going sour if billing becomes a problem.

Help the client choose what they want if they are confused.

Legal matters can be colossally confusing, especially if the client doesn’t have experience with lawyers. If the client doesn’t know what they want, let them choose or help them make an educated decision.
Being informed is key and once they have a path of what they want, you bear less responsibility for making a bad recommendation.

About Law Firm Suites

Law Firm Suites is the leading NYC shared office space for solo attorneys and small law firms. At Law Firm Suites, attorneys get headache free sublet office space, virtual office rentals and litigation hotel services. Law Firm Suites has two locations in Manhattan, one in White Plains NY, and one in Annapolis MD. Law Firm Suites' community of self-employed lawyers are eager to help colleagues succeed, and routinely exchange over $2.5 million in legal business every year in each LFS business center. Connect with Law Firm Suites on Twitter and .

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