New York Law School sets itself apart from neighboring law schools with a new accelerated law school program that cuts tuition costs by one-third and guarantees qualifying students a paid fellowship upon graduation.
In its recent quarterly magazine, New York Law School announced to its alumni community that its new two-year honors J.D. program is the first in the nation to reduce tuition cost by a third.
According to ABA standards for accredited law schools, all law students must still complete three years’ worth of credits. Similar to what other schools have done, NYLS has simply condensed the credits over a shorter period of time. Students must apply separately for the program and, among other things, must meet elevated academic requirements to be accepted.
However, NYLS is the first school in the nation to offer all students who qualify for the program a $50,000 scholarship, effectively, reducing law school tuition costs by one-third, and guaranty qualifying students a job upon graduation.
NYLS’ dean, Anthony Cromwell, stated:
“We’re offering an innovative, accelerated honors J.D. program, requiring an exceptional commitment to year-round, intensive academic work. The program focuses on key growth sectors of the City’s economy: business and financial services; government and public interest; and intellectual property, media, and technology. The Law School will also guarantee post-graduate fellowships to all two-year honor students through partnerships with firms, companies, nonprofit organizations and government agencies.”
While many schools have adopted two year law school programs, no other law school offers the kind of opportunities that they will get in NYLS’ accelerated program.
For example, at neighboring Brooklyn Law School, a key competitor for NYLS in terms of enrollment, the two year program will still set students back three years’ worth of tuition.
Law Firm Suites’ founder and New York Law School alumnus (’98), Stephen Furnari, commented, “NYLS should be commended for its continued creativity. With its new two year accelerated curriculum, guaranteed scholarship, and guaranteed employment, it has found a way provide maximum value for students all while working within the confines of the ABA system.”
Furnari believes the program gives NYLS an unparalleled competitive advantage in recruiting law students with the academic credentials to qualify for such a program. “This is a segment of the total student population that is much sought after by all schools, and one that often chooses law schools that rank higher than NYLS.”
Says Furnari, “at a time when job prospects are dim for every law school graduate, clearly, a massive reduction in tuition cost and a guaranteed paid fellowship upon graduation is a compelling sell to anyone who is passionate about the prospects of practicing law as a profession.”
New York Law School has posted more information about the two-year accelerated program on its website.
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